
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Restless legs: an irresistible urge to move

Restless legs syndrome causes sufferers to have an intense need to move their legs. Observers may not understand why the person needs to move their legs, but if you have experienced restless legs, then you completely understand why it is next to impossible not to keep your legs still.

Restless leg syndrome – also known as Willis Ekbom disease – is classified by doctors as a neurological disorder. Countless people suffer from this disease inConcord, Huntersville, and Denver NC and they receive treatment for it from neurologists every day; even more people suffer from the disease withoutany idea that something is wrong and that restless legs require attention from neurologists at NorthEast Neurology. 

What are the symptoms of restless legs syndrome?
While some doctors disagree that restless legs syndrome is classifiable as a disease, most people in Concord, Huntersville, and Denver NCwho suffer from it would certainly disagree. Symptoms include an extremely unpleasant experience of having a tickle which no amount of scratching and itching can resolve. Others say it feels like someone is tickling their legs incessantly and there is nothing they can do to make it stop.

Restless legs usually get worse at night, and bed partners may witness their bedmate jerking their legs and moving all around the bed in an attempt to get comfortable. Movement is usually the only thing that can provide relief.  Neurologists believe that it is the process of moving the legs which stimulates the nerves and provides a certain amount of relief, but it is only temporary.Restless legs sufferers usually have to keep moving their legs, and this costs them a good night of sleep.

What treatments are available?
Because of the way restless legs can disrupt the quality sleep and quality of life – especially in more severe cases – many people use a variety of medications, which are prescribedby neurologists at NorthEast Neurology to treat the disease.  Other treatment options include stretching, exercise, or simply going for a walk.

If you have restless legs, consider seeing a neurologist
For many people, the first step toward resolving their restless legs syndrome involves going to see a neurologist who can diagnose the condition and provide a treatment plan.  Indeed, any condition that has the potential to destroy the quality of your sleep, like restless legs syndrome, certainly warrants a visit to your neurologist for evaluation.

If you live in the vicinity of Concord, Huntersville, and Denver NCand you or your loved one believes that restless legs syndrome may be a problem in your household, you can benefit from the expert services available at NorthEast Neurology. At NorthEast Neurology, they specialize in all types of neurological conditions, including restless leg syndrome. Do not delay, see how NorthEastNeurology can help give your restless legs the rest they need today.