people do not know the early symptoms of Alzheimers disease. They would even mistake these symptoms for normal signs of aging. Best treated when diagnosed early, Alzheimers have symptoms that must be distinguished from normal age-related memory loss
and confusion. Because there is no single test for Alzheimers; neurologists
recommend the following:
- a thorough medical exam
- mental status testing
- physical exam
- neurological exam
- memory changes that disrupt daily life
- challenges in planning or solving problems
- difficulty completing normal tasks
- confusion with time or place
- trouble understanding visual images or spatial relationships
- new problems with words in speaking or writing
- misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps
- decreased or poor judgment
- withdrawal from work or social activities
- changes in mood or personality
Normal aging symptoms are mild and do not progress in
frequency or severity. To know whether you or a loved one is experiencing early
signs of Alzheimers, the best thing to do is schedule a neurology appointment
for a thorough medical exam. NorthEast Neurology provides a caring and
understanding neurological staff to help, at locations in Concord, Huntersville,
and Denver NC.